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Architects (UK): For Those That Wish To Exist At Abbey Road

For Those That Wish To Exist At Abbey Road
2 LPs
LP (Long Play)

Die gute alte Vinyl - Langspielplatte.


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EUR 36,99*

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    • Label: Epitaph, 2021
    • Bestellnummer: 10848757
    • Erscheinungstermin: 25.3.2022
    • Tracklisting

    Die Hörproben gehören zum Artikel Architects (UK): For Those That Wish To Exist At Abbey Road (CD). Das Tracklisting kann bei diesem Artikel ggf. abweichen.


    1. 1 Do you dream of armageddon? (live from abbey road)
    2. 2 Black lungs (live from abbey road)
    3. 3 Giving blood (live from abbey road)
    4. 4 Discourse is dead (live from abbey road)
    5. 5 Dead butterflies (live from abbey road)
    6. 6 An ordinary extinction (live from abbey road)
    7. 7 Impermanence (live from abbey road)
    8. 8 Flight without feathers (live from abbey road)


    1. 1 Little wonder (live from abbey road)
    2. 2 Animals (live from abbey road)
    3. 3 Libertine (live from abbey road)
    4. 4 Goliath (live from abbey road)
    5. 5 Demi god (live from abbey road)
    6. 6 Meteor (live from abbey road)
    7. 7 Dying is absolutely safe (live from abbey road)